Firearms ownership offers the wonderful opportunity to enjoy hunting and recreational shooting. The purchase of a firearm also brings the all-important responsibility of safe storage and handling.
The use and distribution of a cablelock, for example, was conceived in the mid-1980s by Alan Mossberg, not just to lock shotguns, but to lock a wide variety of makes, models, and action types. Proper engagement of a cablelock onto a firearm renders it inoperable because it creates a physical block between the breech face and the chamber.
Since October of 1989, all firearms shipped by O. F. Mossberg & Sons have included a free cablelock or trigger lock. Most other firearm manufacturers have since followed the Mossberg lead and are furnishing similar devices with their firearms.
Not only has Mossberg been furnishing free locks with every one of its guns, but over the past 21 years the company has worked with many organizations and municipalities to distribute hundreds of thousands of cablelocks to individuals, whether they were Mossberg customers or not. Hand in hand with their involvement regarding the safe use of their products, Mossberg has been heavily involved in the design and development of other firearm locking devices, as well as the sophisticated test fixtures used to assess their effectiveness.
Drawing of patent 5,048,212 for a Firearm Lock Assembly, by Alan I Mossberg.
The company has been directly involved with the California Department of Justice, as well as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), to assist in the development of test and performance criteria and leading to the publication of an international standard for firearm locking devices. Moreover, Mossberg has offered its facilities and their own considerable expertise to other manufacturers.
In 2000, Mossberg launched its patented Loc-Box™ gun storage system. Its unique design prevents a firearm from being stored with a round in the chamber while at the same time allowing for robust security and ready access. We are committed to providing a means to assist our customers and others with safe firearms storage.
We firmly believe that our locking devices along with the safety information found in our owner’s manuals, catalogs, advertisements, and on our website — along with our continuing financial support of hunter and shooter education and National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) programs such as Project ChildSafe — contribute in a positive way to reducing firearms-related accidents.
Mossberg Loc Box Storage System
As a part of these efforts, we also provide the 10 Commandments of gun safety described in the shirt-pocket-size NSSF guide, “Firearm Safety Depends on You.” “Firearms Responsibility in the Home,” another NSSF booklet, offers rules for safe storage of sporting firearms, as well as important information on firearms kept for home security. Both booklets can be found in each and every firearm box shipped from the Mossberg factory, along with a firearm locking device and owner’s manual.
Yes, owning a firearm is a serious responsibility, but the recreational options available through responsible ownership offer incredible pastime, sport and the opportunity to experience America’s shooting and hunting heritage.
Whether you choose to shoot at stationery targets with a rifle or handgun at a range, break clay targets in trap, skeet, sporting clays or other shotgunning pursuits, or attempt to hunt the wide variety of the nation’s thriving game, Mossberg encourages the same responsible approach to firearm safety.