Tagged Out in Maine

Tagged Out in Maine

Join Kevin and Cody as they navigate a successful turkey hunt in Maine. Watch as they share their experiences, including their preferred gear like the Mossberg 28 gauge and Red Dot sights.

1 minute read
28 Gauge Turkey Hunt

28 Gauge Turkey Hunt

With the advent of TSS loads, and loads that outperform lead, turkey hunters are seeing shotgun pattern performance that holds strong results, allowing the use of shotguns that are smaller and lighter than 12 gauges.

1 minute read
Decoy Placement & Double Barrels

Decoy Placement & Double Barrels

Turkey hunting does revolve in many ways around how to call turkeys. A turkey hunter must be solid in his turkey calling prowess. Whether you turkey hunt public ground, or private ground, you have to have a firearm (Mossberg's new Over & Under turkey gun) that works just as good as your calling.

1 minute read