The new 940 Pro Autoloaders. Inside, you will find a durable gas system that allows for up to 1500 rounds between cleanings and a host of corrosion-resistant internal parts (boron-nitride coated gas piston, magazine tube, hammer sear, return spring tube; chrome-lined chamber and bore; and a stainless steel return spring).
An enlarged/beveled loading port, elongated elevator, and anodized follower combine for smooth operation. 
Outside, an adjustable LOP self-draining stock and streamlined forend feature Mossberg signature texturing and a camo finish. Cerakote® metal surfaces provide extra protection for the muddiest, wettest hunting conditions. A front fiber optic sight and ported extended choke tube help put more pellets where they are needed.
The adjustable, self-draining stock is user-adjustable for LOP (1.25″ range), cast, and drop at comb using incremental stock shims.
Aggressive Mossberg signature texturing adorns the grip and slim, ergonomic forend.
Cleaner-Running Gas System. A redesigned gas system allows faster, more reliable cycling at much greater cleaning intervals – up to 1500 rounds. 
This gun is bold and functional. Oversized and contoured charging handle and bolt release provide quick manipulation. Receivers and barrels are Cerakoted for superior wet-weather protection.
Pro-Series Coatings and Finishing. A variety of specially-coated parts and an extra finishing team give these models additional corrosion protection and reliable performance.
Built for the Rigors of Waterfowling. An enlarged and beveled loading port was designed for ease of loading; features an anodized bright orange follower, and an elongated, pinch-free elevator.
Right on Target. Both models feature HIVIZ TriComp front fiber optic sights and an (Accu-Choke compatible) X-Factor ported choke tube.