Whether you are a hunter, target shooter, 3-gun competitor, or you own a firearm for personal defense, your training plan should include shooting from awkward positions and the only way to be proficient at shooting from these positions is to practice.
In this video, Clint Smith, President and Training Director of Thunder Ranch, puts a shooter through the paces on a course of fire designed to practice safe gun handling skills and shooting fundamentals from varying positions. Breathing, trigger control, a solid rest, and a natural point of aim all contribute to solid hits on target whether shooting from a bench or a pile of rocks. So the next time you're at the range, move away from the bench and practice from shooting positions that you'll likely find in the field or at your next 3-gun match. That way, you'll be ready for anything.
About the Author
Clint Smith
Clint is a Marine Corps veteran, former SWAT team member, and current President and Director of the world-renowned Thunder Ranch training facility in Lakeview, Oregon.
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