The Mossberg Journal

Tip for Removing Tenders from a Turkey

Written by Just Hunt Club | May 9, 2024 3:12:19 PM

In the latest video from Junst Hunt Club, Cody gives us a quick tip on how to remove the tenders from a wild turkey easily without having the chewy tendon in the meat.


Hey, I hear there's a turkey. Right to the–right down my gun. No, it's a tomahawk chick. No. Right there. You see him now you shoot him. Yeah. Do you want me to shoot him?

Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Dude. Dude, dude. Shoot him!

All right. So, look. Luke killed this bird last night. It's the next morning. We're cleaning it up, and I wanted to show you guys a trick. When cleaning your turkeys. So, just like any other bird, you're just gonna rip the skin off the breast and then cut it off the breast bone. But here's a trick for those tenders. So, what I call the tenderloin lays right inside the breast along the breastplate there. And you can just separate that right off the breast there. And what I do is I run my thumb right on the backside of it. And just separate it from that breastplate there.

And don't cut it off yet. Leave it. Leave that tendon connected. So you just pull it off that breast, and it should just separate nice and clean. And then you're left with this and see that tendon is still connected there. The best way to do your tenders is you grab that tendon there with your thumbnail and your index finger. You pinch it real hard and you just slow pull right down through, and then you pull that whole tendon out. You're left with a really nice cut of meat with no chewy tendon down through the middle of it. And this is going to make for a really good meal later. This is a really easy thing to do with your birds. It's going to make eating this turkey a lot more enjoyable.