It's time to take the whitetail challenge! Find out how skilled of a hunter you are and how much knowledge you possess in survival skills! Vision, hearing, your sixth sense: all of these must be at their peak to survive and prevail.
The ultimate goal is to harvest the hunting prize among prizes, the legendary monster buck.
But this goal won't come easily; to reach this plateau you must first hunt and survive in the preceding four levels. Then you'll reach the rugged alpine world where you'll be pitted against the legendary buck. Along the journey, you'll encounter perils—one that can cost you your virtual existence such as hunger, exposure, and predator attacks.
Armed with your choice of a Mossberg Patriot Rifle or a Mossberg 500 Slugster 12 gauge shotgun, you are a formidable adversary. This is the ultimate survival and hunting simulation. Do you have what it takes to survive the whitetail challenge?
Gaining undisturbed access to your treestand isn't easy. Sometimes you have no option. The land...
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