The Mossberg Journal

Duck Calling Has One Inconvenient Truth

Written by Jason Cruise | Oct 15, 2015 3:59:56 PM

How to call ducks and the fundamentals of duck calling are about as wide and varied in opinions as anything you’ll ever experience.

Ask 100 duck hunters about how to call ducks or some duck calling tips, and every single one of them will have an opinion.

If you've hunted waterfowl for any length of time, then you know that there's a huge difference between open water calling and how to call ducks in flooded timber. The sounds of those two contexts just require a hunter to adjust to the way one calls at a duck.

Whether you are experienced at duck calling or just now gathering the confidence to blow a duck call, there is one single truth that is quite inconvenient for every duck hunter when it comes to how to call ducks.

Jason Cruise, the producer of Mossberg’s Rugged American Hunter, is duck hunting in Arkansas. Today, he covers this inconvenient truth on duck hunting.