Posts by Jason Cruise:

Posts by Jason Cruise:

Decoy Placement & Double Barrels

Decoy Placement & Double Barrels

Turkey hunting does revolve in many ways around how to call turkeys. A turkey hunter must be solid in his turkey calling prowess. Whether you turkey hunt public ground, or private ground, you have to have a firearm (Mossberg's new Over & Under turkey gun) that works just as good as your calling.

1 minute read
duck blinds

Best Duck Blind Ever?

For open water duck hunters could this be the most creative duck blind ever? This concept is an old hunting blind concept adapted from European hunters.

1 minute read
Watch a potential trainer in action.

Finding a Dog Trainer

Lawson Barker, host of YOURDOG and co-founder of Red River Retrievers, walks you through three ways to choose a dog trainer for your hunting dog.

1 minute read

Trail Camera Placement

In this deer hunting video, country artist Jordan Rowe explains trail camera placement and how to use pinchpoints or funnels to locate big bucks.

2 minute read

A Gobbler's Greatest Response

Learn the key to successful turkey hunting beyond just calling with Jason Cruise. Uncover the ultimate response a tom can offer and the Mossberg 835 Ulti-Mag's role in the hunt.

1 minute read

The 940 Pro Turkey. A Closer Look.

Discover the features of Mossberg's 940 Pro Turkey shotgun in this detailed review. Ensure your turkey hunting game is on point with this top-notch firearm.

1 minute read

What to do When he Gobbles Up Close

Discover expert advice on handling close encounters with gobblers by Jason Cruise. Get tips on what to do and how to navigate challenging situations in the field.

2 minute read