What Hunting Dogs Have Taught Me About Life
Hunting dogs are a breed of their own. I've learned that a good hunting retriever will become a mentor at times, giving you a window into your own soul.
Hunting dogs are a breed of their own. I've learned that a good hunting retriever will become a mentor at times, giving you a window into your own soul.
Grunt calls are inside most deer hunter's pack, but most deer hunters won't try deer calling. This video covers deer calling and using grunt calls.
A dog crate is a critical component to traveling with a hunting dog. Would your hunting retriever survive this crash test? Awesome video on dog kennels.
Sporting Clays Tip: Shooting and muscle memory go hand in hand. This Mossberg skeet shooting tip and sporting clays tip can help you kill more ducks.
Hunting photography and learning what it takes to snap better smartphone photos is not hard, you just have to know a few secrets to doing it better.
How to introduce a hunting dog to water is critical and it happens early in the life of a water dog. A champion duck dog is built, not born.
Paying for a guided duck hunt is always risky. Finding a duck hunting outfitter is not easy. How to ask questions is the key to guided duck hunts.
Training a gun shy hunting dog is difficult, or at least it can be, mainly because there can be multiple reasons as to why that retriever is gun shy.
Today on Mossberg’s Rugged American Hunter series with Jason Cruise, we cover a simple tip and strategy with decoys on how to hunt flooded timber.
This segment takes a solid look at how to purchase a duck dog that will ultimately make you proud when you call its name to go pick up that duck.
In this video, Jason Cruise shares some insights on how to hunt early season turkeys, specifically how to turkey hunt hung-up toms that seem to have no desire to move an inch toward your turkey hunting set up.
Insight about how to turkey hunt on windy days, specifically how to call turkeys with a box call.