Duck Decoys are a supercritical asset to any waterfowl hunter. However, there's one fatal mistake many duck hunters make with duck decoys and it's such an easy fix.
This 60-second video tip can save your hunt, and it's not rocket science. It's just a matter of thinking it through.
Watch how these live Pintails react and think about it when you layout your decoy spread the next time you start pulling duck decoys out of the bag.
This duck hunting video is hosted by Jason Cruise, producer of Mossberg's Rugged American Hunter, who offers this simple Mossberg Minute to help you make the most of your decoy spread.
About the Author
Jason Cruise
Jason Cruise is a published author and the host of Mossberg’s Rugged American Hunter series.
Jerk Cord's ideas are nothing new to duck hunting decoy spreads. Motion decoys are critical to duck...
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