The Mossberg Journal

Finding A Guided Duck Hunt That Doesn't Rip You Off

Written by Jason Cruise | Jul 20, 2015 10:59:08 PM


You spent a ton of time looking for a guided duck hunt. You saved all the money looking for a solid, dependable duck hunting outfitter. You looked forward to it all year, even to the point of sharing your duck hunting pictures on Facebook about how you couldn’t wait to go on your upcoming guided hunting trip.

Hunting season finally gets here and you head out for the biggest hunt of your waterfowl season, all the time knowing that you’re going to stomp the mallards because, after all, your waterfowl outfitter has picture after picture showcasing stacks of greenheads.

Three days later, all that excitement from going on a guided duck hunt has changed to an experience you’ve always heard about but never thought it would happen to you. It’s an indescribably sick feeling when you know that you wasted your money on a bunch of hype.

The lodge was outdated, and the bedrooms were not what you saw on the website.
Three days later you know full well why the ducks didn’t fly. All you saw in the duck hole were thousands of floating shells, telling you that hole had been hunted every day since the open day of duck season.

Three days later you realize, just by the way the guide was talking, that the waterfowl outfitter runs hundreds of hunters through that lodge every month.

Are any of these situations a crime? No. Of course not, and if there’s one thing no outfitter can do, it makes ducks fly.

Going on a guided duck hunt is always a risk. Any reputable duck hunting outfitter will tell you that.

There are ways that you can spend your money wisely because there are many great options for a guided duck hunt available today. There are many terrific duck hunting outfitters out there today that are honest operations and do not want to deceive you.

You can avoid that indescribably sick feeling if you are willing to do a little bit of extra research in finding the right waterfowl outfitter to match what you are looking for in a guided duck hunt.

In this video, we are going to walk you through a few insights on how to choose the best-guided duck hunt for your money.