Before he ever picked up a guitar he was first a hunter. Tyler Chambers is a country artist and songwriter from Georgia grinding his way through the currents of Nashville and all its challenges. One thing remains: he's a hunter.
The collision of hunting and country music comes from the dirt. Country music and hunting have forever been linked because it is real Americana in its purest essence.
Get a behind the scenes look at the life of a country artist in Nashville as Warner Chappell artist Tyler Chambers shares life, hunting, and songwriting.
Video Transcript:
Growing up in Georgia, hunting was just what we did. We didn't know we were country, to say the least. We just grew up that way, and we thought that it was right. And we thought that everybody else was just like us. And the songs that were playing on the radio, you know, completely was just a display of how I was already living. So it was a very validating feeling to be hunting and then having a desire to pick up a guitar and write the songs about the life that I was living, you know, whether it be a song about deer hunting or driving down a dirt road or going into town on Sundays and listen to the preacher preach. It was all the above.
The outdoors is God's creation, and I don't think there's a creator in this world that leans on anything more than the outdoors. I mean, from painters to songwriters to any all types of life. You know, we seek real life and creation. And to me, you only find it outside. And, you know, my whole life has really revolved around music, songwriting and hunting and how they kind of, you know, balance or work off of each other.
And as a songwriter, you know, there's not a day that I spend outdoors when I go hunting, whether it's hunting my bird dog Cotton or sitting up in a lock on stand with my bow where I'm not, where my, you know, my antennas aren't on. I'm not thinking about things. And, you know, my mind's not necessarily on the worries of this world. It's about looking at what's around me and picking up on that stuff and trying to make mental notes and listen to the things that the Lord is trying to show me with what he's made around me.
I think I'm drawn to upland hunting just because there's been a frenzy over the last couple of years with duck hunting and, you know, bow hunting and all this, all these different types of things where it can just be really cool, a cool thing to do. And I think upland is cooler than all of them because you're really I mean, it's a there's a yin and yang to a bird dog. I mean, he's going to mess up. You're going to miss birds. You know, he's going to flush some stuff that he wasn't supposed to. The wind's going to switch. And there's more dogs running around and there's other people shooting. You know, there's so many variables that go into making, you know, a good covey. And like having a dog sit through wing and shot, you don't really get that on a lot of other hunts. And I personally believe that it builds the relationship with your dog a lot better, also.
If I could say anything to anybody who loves country music, I would just say thank you. Because without the people that are listening to it, we don't have a job. So the listener, the streamers, the podcasters, whoever you are, you know, we just, without you, we don't have anything. So I would just say thank you and to just be patient with us because social media is hard. You know, the world's changing and we're just trying to keep up with it. And we just love y'all.
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