How To Train A Gun Shy Hunting Dog

How To Train A Gun Shy Hunting Dog

Training a gun shy hunting dog is difficult, or at least it can be, mainly because every hunting dog has its personality and there can be multiple reasons as to why that retriever is gun shy.

Frustrating a Created Purpose

In the end, however, we all know that a gun-shy hunting dog is every hunter’s worst nightmare. A retriever was created to retrieve, and now as a hunter, you’ve got a real problem on your hands if all you see is your dog’s hind-end running away from you when it hears the sonic boom. A retriever that doesn’t retrieve is an oxymoron in the most simple sense. moss-gun shy dog training

Today, on Mossberg’s Rugged American Hunter, Clark Kennington, owner of Kennington Retrievers and nationally known for his skill set as a trainer and success in HRC hunt tests, is going to cover how to train a gun shy hunting dog in ways that any hunter can employ to help a retriever overcome the sickness of being gun shy.

This 3-minute video can make all the difference to restore your dog’s confidence in the field.

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About the Author

Jason Cruise

Jason Cruise is a published author and the host of Mossberg’s Rugged American Hunter series.
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