590M shotguns and magazines are uniquely designed incorporating stabilizing ribs that engage the magazine directly to the receiver for a sure lock-up. The 590MSeries offers magazine-fed convenience in the legendary Mossberg pump-action tactical platform.
For home security, tactical, and competition applications, 590M Mag-Fed pump-actions offer many practical advantages: faster reloading/unloading, increased capacity without additional magazine tube length, and quick and easy transitioning between various types of loads.
Full magazines are the center of gravity point, making the 590M shotgun easy to balance for greater accuracy. The 590M is designed around the Mossberg 590,® the choice of tactical users worldwide and time-tested over decades of dependable service.
The features Mossberg tactical pump users expect are all there: Dual extractors, Twin action bars, Positive steel-to-steel lockup, Drilled and tapped receiver, Ambidextrous safety, and a Heavy-walled barrel.
590M Accessory magazines are available in 5,10,15 and 20 shot capacity.
World’s First Double-Stack Shotgun Magazine Design 590M magazine’s patented design provides more capacity in less magazine length than competitor’s single-stack designs. Offered in four capacities: 20, 15, 10, and 5-Round.
All-steel magazine release button and housing are optimally positioned in front of the trigger guard for quick, ambidextrous access for reloading—and will not interfere with cycling the action.
590M shotguns and magazines are uniquely designed incorporating stabilizing ribs that engage the magazine directly to the receiver for a sure lock-up.
The world’s first production double-stack 12GA shotgun magazine offers a shorter magazine length vs. capacity than competitor’s single-stack designs, providing better swing, balance and control.
Magazine construction highlights: Hardened steel feed lips, over-molded steel shell ramps, easy-grip external molded design, proprietary self-lubricating polymer magazine body material, heavy-duty ASTM-A-228 music wire magazine spring, removable floor plate for easy cleaning, and a tough black oxide finish on steel components.
For shooting flexibility, 590M magazines are available in 5, 10, 15, and 20-Round, and are for use with 2.75” shotshells.
Hardened steel feed lips and over-molded steel shell ramps ensure efficient feeding. Anti-cant rounded follower improves feeding; round limiter improves spring life.
Removable floor plate for easy cleaning; ASTM-A-228 music wire springs improve feeding, increase durability, and prolong service life.
The ruggedly-built Mossberg 590® pump-action shotgun has been chosen for duty and home defense for...
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