Jon goes through the process he uses to keep ticks and other bugs off him during turkey hunting season.
All right. Turkey season has opened here in the northeast and is something that's inevitable during the spring. And turkey hunting is getting ticks on you. So today I'm just going to go over the steps of that I do to get all the camo I'm probably going to be wearing ready for turkey season to try to keep ticks off of us. We've had really good luck with the Sawyer permethrin. You put this on all of your clothes. The biggest thing is don't be putting it on your clothes while you're wearing them.
As you can see, I got it all set out here and really focus and saturated the areas where your ticks are going to get in around your ankles, where your pants are covering your boots, your neck area, your sleeves, all those areas that ticks are going to get, they're going to get on your clothes. And that's where they're going to end up getting into your skin. Through those areas. You spray your socks, gloves, vest, everything like that. So you get multiple-use albums and they're good for 4 to 6 washings or six weeks. So got them all out here.
I'm going to soak them down, let them dry, flip them over, do the whole thing. And it really works well of keeping ticks off you. Since we started using this, I pull very few ticks off me during the spring and if you've turkey hunted, you know how bad they can be. So just for you new guys, or if you're looking for prevention, Sawyer permethrin is your go-to to keep ticks and other insects off of you.
About the Author
Just Hunt Club
Just Hunt Club is a team of highly motivated Northeastern hunters that chase game and fish in a diverse and often overlooked region of the country. They have learned to adapt and be successful on mostly public access lands in extremely challenging circumstances. Whether chasing ducks, bucks, turkeys, or fish, these outdoorsmen demonstrate how to use extremely effective tactics to be successful while also showing the rich outdoor tradition and culture of the North-Eastern states.
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