Duck hunting flooded timber is on every duck hunter’s bucket list. Flooded timber duck hunting is unique. Decoy strategies have to be well thought out. How to hunt flooded timber isn’t rocket science, but it is a science, and every duck hunter that wants to increase the number of ducks on a tote strap when duck hunting flooded timber has got to do everything they can to bring ducks into the decoys.
Today on Mossberg’s Rugged American Hunter series with Jason Cruise, we cover a simple tip and strategy with decoys on how to hunt flooded timber and use the Mojo decoy in a way that you may have never thought of in your flooded timber hunts.
Jason is hunting the hallowed grounds of flooded timber in Arkansas.
About the Author
Jason Cruise
Jason Cruise is a published author and the host of Mossberg’s Rugged American Hunter series.
Every turkey hunt comes down to far more than simply attempting to call a turkey and hope he...
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