Hunting: If You Know, You Know

Hunting: If You Know, You Know

The greatest gift of hunting is … all of it. 

It’s the ride to the camp…with conversations that are deep one minute, and hilarious the next.

It’s dragging the buck out of the woods even when your legs are spent…because you worked hard to get him, and you want to nourish your dinner table

It’s the tailgate and campfire talk after the hunt…and reaching into the same cooler that has been with you since college. 

It’s remembering your favorite bird dog…who lives on in your memory because you and your granddaddy spent so many hunts with that dog by your side. 

The gifts of hunting are endless, and they transcend being reduced simply to pulling the trigger, punching a tag, or taking the photo.

And at Mossberg, we get it. 

In fact, we intended to celebrate all of it. 

And that’s why we are launching @MossbergHunting. 

We can’t do it without you!  You have carried us and we have been a part of hunting stories for so long, and we want you to be a part of this next chapter with us!

See you ‘round the campfire…