Double-Banded Goose | Early Season Goose Hunting
We are back out goose hunting early season in New York. The guys hook up with friend Hunter and head to a field that he scouted the night prior.
We are back out goose hunting early season in New York. The guys hook up with friend Hunter and head to a field that he scouted the night prior.
First Goose Hunt with the 940® Pro Waterfowl
New 940 Pro Autoloaders. Inside, you will find a durable gas system that allows for up to 1500 rounds between cleanings and a host of other amazing features.
Mossberg is expanding its family of 940 autoloading shotguns with the release of a 940 Pro Field 12 gauge offering, bringing the same durability, reliability, and versatility to hunters.
Mossberg Autoloading Shotguns | The 940® Pro Waterfowl Series
Curious to know Brett Joy's four criteria he uses to grade a rifle based on the hunting he does? Check out his review of his rifle of choice this past season.
Whitetail Tech Tip | Choosing the Right Caliber Rifle
New York Gobbler Down | Spring Collective
Rainy Morning Gobbler Down in New Hampshire | Spring Collective
After the first few days of New Hampshire's turkey season being incredibly windy and tough hunting, we head back out in hopes to roost a bird.
Massachusetts Turkey Hunts | Spring Collective
It's opening day of turkey season in New Hampshire. The weather is not cooperating the way we would have liked and it makes it near impossible to roost birds the night prior.
After a successful trip to Virginia, the guys head to Kentucky for the opener.
After a hot start in the hills of Virginia, the birds start to taper off and the hunting gets a little more difficult every day.
How to Call Turkeys On Roost | Spring Collective
My daughter, Haydyn, had not yet gotten her first turkey. And believe me, it hasn’t been for lack of effort on her behalf! Suffice it to say, turkeys are just jerks!
We are still chasing birds in Virginia and the action hasn't slowed down! We head back into an area where we heard a bird gobbling the day prior.
Are you looking to make some habitat improvements on the properties you hunt this year? There are a number of chores that’ll benefit the property you’re hunting, but below we’ll shine light on a handful.
After Chris's bird the day before, the guys pack up camp and head to another area to find some more birds. The hunting gets tougher as the days go on.
Hunting Turkeys and Talking Conservation with Chuck Leavell of the Rolling Stones