Watch a potential trainer in action.

Finding a Dog Trainer

Lawson Barker, host of YOURDOG and co-founder of Red River Retrievers, walks you through three ways to choose a dog trainer for your hunting dog.

1 minute read

Care Considerations for the Aging Bird Dog

Learn how to care for your aging bird dog with nutrition, weight management, exercise, pain management, environment, and most importantly, love. Keep your loyal companion comfortable and happy in their later years.

2 minute read

Hearing Protection: Use It or Lose It

Mossberg has implemented a solid campaign to promote the safe use and handling of your firearm while in the woods, on the range, or in the home. But one often overlooked element of Arm Yourself is the risk of hearing loss.

3 minute read

Optimal Glassing Techniques

If you don’t practice good glassing techniques, that glass doesn’t really mean a lot. Here are a few down and dirty tips to maximize your efforts.

2 minute read

Calling Summertime Coyotes

Summer can be some of the toughest times to chase coyotes. Despite what you may have heard, calling summertime coyotes can be very productive. Here’s a look at the four factors to consider when hunting.

3 minute read

Shooting and Hearing Loss

While I may use hearing protection at the range or sighting in my rifle, I am very inconsistent when using protection out in the field and lately, I've noticed my hearing not being quite what it used to be.

2 minute read

Deer Habitat Improvements You Should Make

Are you looking to make some habitat improvements on the properties you hunt this year? There are a number of chores that’ll benefit the property you’re hunting, but below we’ll shine light on a handful.

2 minute read

How to Take a Soil Sample for Food Plots

Food plots for deer hunting continue to be a growing trend for hunters across the country each season. But many hunters fail to take a soil sample prior to planting their food plots.

2 minute read