Turkey Calls: Pros & Cons

There are great options out there that, with practice, can all help call in that Tom. Here are the pros and cons of five of our favorite turkey calls.

3 minute read

Tips from the Goose Pit

Hunting Canadian Geese from the pit is one of my favorite hunts. Following a few basic tips can keep everyone safe and ensure a great hunting experience.

3 minute read

Care for Your Dog in The Field

A working dog is one of the greatest hunting pleasures. While most hunting excursions are uneventful, it is extremely important to ensure your dog’s safety and comfort.

3 minute read

Pre Season Prep for Waterfowlers

The list of chores and work for the waterfowler seems to never end, but the tasks that seem to haunt us the most are the last minute jobs that sneak up on us in the final days before the opener. Here’s a quick list of the pre season prep for waterfowlers that tends to find us scrambling before...

4 minute read

High Altitude Hunting Preparation

High altitude hunting can definitely be a challenge, especially if the hunter has not adequately planned and prepared for this excursion. Altitude-related issues can be somewhat remedied with careful preparation.

5 minute read