Posts by Kirstie Pike:

Posts by Kirstie Pike:

Biggest Trophy on a Solo Hunt

One of the best parts of a solo hunt is the opportunity to learn from mistakes and hone your skills. Its success or failure lies squarely on the shoulders of the hunter.

3 minute read

Big Game Field Kit Essentials

Maintaining an efficient Kill Kit is simple and will save you a lot of time and frustration in the field. Here are my own personal recommendations.

3 minute read

8 Reasons Coyotes Should Be Hunted

Since the early 1900s, coyote population expansion has moved from the great plains to all corners of the country. Coyotes are now found in all 49 states in the continental US.

3 minute read

The Outdoors During COVID

There have indeed been some positives that have come from this pandemic. And I feel like we could all use a bit of positive news at this point

3 minute read

Why I Hunt

I’ve long been asked by those who do not hunt why I like hunting. Often, they misunderstand that hunting isn’t simply about harvesting an animal or bird.

2 minute read

Texas Sandhill Crane Hunting - Getting It Done The Hard Way

With all of the industry shows being canceled due to COVID, I found myself with an empty dance card in January. What better way to spend a January weekend than hunting cranes near Lubbock! Of course, in true Pike style, it never is as easy as it should be.

5 minute read

Solo Elk Hunting

When it comes to being a woman hunting alone in the back country, find the courage and inspiration to give it a try!

3 minute read

Turkey Season Field Safety

Turkey hunting is fun, but care and caution must be taken seriously. Here are a few quick tips to ensure you have a safe and fun spring turkey season.

3 minute read