Shooting With A Red Dot Optic

Explore the transition from iron sights to red dot optics on handguns with Fred Mastison as we dive into the growing trend of pre-cut red dot optic pistols.

2 minute read

Setting Dual Purpose Stands

Brett is in New Hampshire preparing for the upcoming deer season. He takes some time to give us a tip on setting dual-purpose stands for bows and guns.

1 minute read

Shotgun Patterning for Home Defense

Watch as Clint Smith, President and Training Director of Thunder Ranch takes on the role of myth buster in a video that explores shotgun patterning at common in-the-home distances.

1 minute read

Hearing Protection: Use It or Lose It

Mossberg has implemented a solid campaign to promote the safe use and handling of your firearm while in the woods, on the range, or in the home. But one often overlooked element of Arm Yourself is the risk of hearing loss.

3 minute read

Optimal Glassing Techniques

If you don’t practice good glassing techniques, that glass doesn’t really mean a lot. Here are a few down and dirty tips to maximize your efforts.

2 minute read

Calling Summertime Coyotes

Summer can be some of the toughest times to chase coyotes. Despite what you may have heard, calling summertime coyotes can be very productive. Here’s a look at the four factors to consider when hunting.

3 minute read

Summertime Chores for Deer Season

For some deer hunters, the season will kick off in less than 90 days. So here's a look at the summertime chores for deer season that you need to tackle.

3 minute read