2022 Duck Opener

It's opening weekend of duck season and the boys head out to a few public spots to kick things off.

1 minute read

First Migrators of the Year

September season is winding down and the migrators are starting to push. We head out and have a heck of a hunt on the first migrators of the year!

1 minute read

.350 Legend vs. .450 Bushmaster

Brett goes over the pros and cons of the .350 Legend and the .450 Bushmaster to help you decide which one is best for your hunting style!

4 minute read

Bear Hunting with a Mossberg Patriot

Join Just Hunt Club as they embark on a thrilling bear-hunting adventure in New Hampshire, aiming for Grandma's first black bear. Check out their successful tactics on public lands in the Northeast.

1 minute read

Goose Season Opener

We are back at it for New York's early goose season. We kick off the opener with an awesome shoot with good dogs and good buddies!

1 minute read

Pheasant Piccata

Ptarmigan, pheasant, and grouse all lend themselves to this recipe. It’s quick, easy, and light. Serve with a side of risotto or quinoa.

1 minute read

Wild Turkey Thai Curry

This recipe for Wild Turkey Thai Curry is delicious! Swap turkey for your preferred game meat or add some of your favorite spices to make it special.

1 minute read

Turkey Hunting in Massachusetts

The boys kick off the New England leg of turkey season hunting in Massachusetts. Cody has a great hunt and gets in the middle of a bunch of birds.

1 minute read

Public Land Gobbler

The guys are still at it in Virginia. They work a henned-up gobbler for a while but he doesn't want to commit.

1 minute read