Turkey Touchdown Sweepstakes

Join The Light Foundation's fundraising sweepstakes for a chance to win an all-expenses-paid hunting trip to the Gilchrist Club with NFL champ Matt Light.

2 minute read

Vote & Be Heard in November!

On November 3rd we head to the polls to cast our votes in the United States Presidential election, along with several US Senate and state elections.

1 minute read

Mossberg at 100

A lot has happened in Mossberg’s first 100 years. Yet through it all, they've proudly remained family owned and operated.

2 minute read

Alan Mossberg: Lifetime Achievement Award

The National Shooting Sports Foundation's Ken Sedlecky Lifetime Achievement Awarded is given annually to “a person who has served this industry with honor and distinction over many years."

1 minute read

Vote for the Second Amendment

Election Day carries a significant impact on our Second Amendment Rights. Now more than ever, we need a President and Senate who support the Second Amendment.

1 minute read

Memorial Day – A Grateful Nation Remembers

Big plans will keep us all busy this weekend for the unofficial kick-off to summer. But, let’s not forget why we celebrate Memorial Day and recognize the solemn reasons for its existence.

1 minute read

Veterans: Thank You For Your Service

On November 11, 1919 at 11am. Germany signed an armistice with the Allies which ended World War I.  That day later became recognized as Armistice Day when Woodrow Wilson declared November 11, a national holiday. 

1 minute read

Safe Firearms Storage

Since October of 1989, all firearms shipped by O. F. Mossberg & Sons have included a free cablelock or trigger lock.

3 minute read