Mossberg® Expands 6.5mm Creedmoor Offerings

Mossberg is now chambering fourteen of their bolt-action rifles in 6.5mm Creedmoor; widely popular with both target shooters and hunters for its flat-shooting, long-range ballistics, on-game performance, and low recoil. 

6 minute read

Series Overview – 590M Mag-Fed

590M shotguns and magazines are uniquely designed incorporating stabilizing ribs that engage the magazine directly to the receiver for a sure lock-up.

4 minute read

10 Greatest Deer Hunting Cartridges

Nothing captures our affection as hunters and riflemen like a well-made deer rifle in an all-American cartridge paired with an all-American Mossberg Patriot Rifle.

6 minute read

Series Overview – 500 Cruiser

These Mossberg 500, 590, and Maverick 88 Cruiser models are offered in 6-shot or 8-shot configurations, and all are fit with our traditional pistol grip.

2 minute read

New For 2017: 590 Shockwave

O.F. Mossberg and Sons, Inc. expands its venerable line of security firearms with the new 590 Shockwave pump-action firearm. 

2 minute read

Series Overview – 590 Shockwave

Legendary Mossberg pump-action reliability in a compact 14” barreled package. The Shockwave Raptor bird’s head pistol grip is uniquely shaped to minimize felt recoil.

2 minute read